Meet Jörg Prinz
Learn about the Energy Health Clinic and its methods to achieve better health and wellbeing

About me
Introducing Dr Jorg Prinz, the Founder of Energy Health Clinic in Opotiki on the Bay of Plenty. He holds a PhD in Medicine and is a registered doctor in Germany. He left conventional medicine in New Zealand when he realised the power of naturopathy when combined with the latest in pain relief technology from energy medicine as bio-electro-modulation (SCENAR), bio-photo-modulation (Low Level Laser Therapy) and Energy Psychology (EFT, NLP, TLT).
My vision is to be an innovative leader in the advancement of Naturopathic Medicine and provide Integrated and Complementary Health Care to New Zealand.
My mission is enhancing human health and wellness by advancing modern, non-invasive technologies into the profession of naturopathic and conventional medicine.
If you are suffering from pain and/or the effects of a chronic health condition and nothing has helped, come and visit me at the Energy Health Clinic for a consultation.

I treat a person as an individual and a whole person: this means I don’t separate the physical body from the mental, spiritual, or emotional bodies.

Today Jorg works as Naturopath & Life Coach. He is specialised in Energy Medicine and treats physical and emotional pain without using medication, just bio-physical and energy-psychological modalities. He says: “If surgeons are the ‘body mechanics’ I am the ‘body electrician’.”
He offers methods which complement conventional medicine.
He shows his patients how their bodies can be free of physical and emotional pain without medication. When they can see improvements in their condition without using more medication they realise that their bodies can ‘heal’. He also shows his patients which lifestyle changes are necessary to return to health and stay healthy.
He offers methods which complement patient’s efforts to heal.
When it comes to chronic pain and chronic illness the healing may need more than just a pill which is often ignored by conventional medicine. Strong pain killers and operations are sometimes not enough. Healing needs analysis, adaptation and changes to the patient’s lifestyle as well as a good relationship with the therapist. All this takes time!
Jörg Prinz
Founder of Energy Health Clinic Kapiti Coast
My Core Values
I strive to help people reach a healthy state of balance
To provide patients with naturopathic primary and complementary health care.
To provide evidence-based health care to my patients.
To educate my patients how to achieve wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit.
To provide ongoing health care education in training experienced health care practitioners and naturopathic medical students in the use of modern technologies.
My Timeline
From Medical School to Energy Medicine
The Beginning
My interest in medicine started when as 15 year old I read a book about the human brain.
I joined the German and American Red Cross and became one of the youngest trainers in First Aid.
Alternative Medicine
During studying medicine, I was introduced to what was then coined ‘alternative medicine’: I learned acupuncture and electro-acupuncture (acc. to Voll). My teachers at Justus-Liebig-University seemed to be very progressive during the 1980s.
Medical Experience
I worked as a registrar in urology, trauma surgery and as a general practitioner in Germany. I also gained experience in New Zealand in internal medicine, pediatrics and psychiatry.
My PhD
After 3 years of clinical research I wrote my PhD thesis about the immune therapy of Prostrate Cancer (Prof. Dr. C.F. Rothauge)
In 1990 I immigrated to New Zealand with my young family and worked at Whakatane Hospital.
In the mid 1990 I took a break from medicine and ran a tourism company for a few years until 2001 – and dabbled a bit in dry stock farming.
Energy Medicine
While working in conventional medicine I learned the value of modern medicine for acute onset illnesses and accidents. I also realised that chronic conditions could only be ‘managed’ by the current medicine model rather than healed or prevented.
Energy Health Clinic
In 2004 I opened my practice as a naturopath. Many of my former patients had lots of questions about their condition which were unanswered by their doctors. And their symptoms did not improve.
I could help most of them to gain better health.
Naturopath Training
Natural Healthcare – Herbal Education Resource Centre
NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner – Transformations International
Life Coach – ICI
Time Line Practitioner – Transformations International
Certified NES Practitioner – NES Health
Trauma Buster Technique – TBT NZ
Rapid Depression Treatment – Shinnick
RITM SCENAR training Level 1-3, Sport Injuries, Woman’s Health & Cosmetology – RITM Australia
Low Level Laser Therapy – THOR Photomedicine UK
RITM SCENAR Trainer certificate – RITM OKB & RITM SCENAR Institute Australia
Author of SCENAR Training materials used worldwide
Reach out for your FREE initial consultation today
Contact us if you have any Questions or would like to Book
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Options Available
- Free 15 minute consultation, face to face or over the phone.
- First consultation of 1.5 hours for NZ$150 (or less if less time is used)
- Any consultation (talk) by phone, zoom or face to face for 1 hour for NZ$100
- Home visit in the Opotiki-Whakatane area for 1 hour (NZ$100) plus NZ$20 travel
- Energy scan either face to face or through a zoom meeting
- Pain therapy follow up – 30 to 60 minutes for NZ$60 to NZ$100
- Consultation to deal with emotional issues – 60 minutes for NZ$100
- Beauty therapy for 1.5 hours for NZ$175